Previous and Current Issues

Our weekly publications contain local news, upcoming events and services in Tairua & Pauanui. Missed an issue? Use our Contact Us page and we'll email or post one to you!

  • YAY for a new bridge across the Pepe! Our lead story announces this news, and inside there's an article about waste minimisation with cloth nappies (go-figure, LOL). A column of Short & Sweet and a recipe for orange muffins rounds out the issue.
    Posted: Monday 22 July 2024
  • Our lead story this week is about the High Tea event that Tairua Elim Church is hosting. Book now for a fun afternoon! Inside, Maree Smith tells us, in her advertorial, about moving Get It On! to its new location.
    A column of Short & Sweet gives feedback about Hikuai School’s hunting comp, Tairua Troubadours’ show, and a promo event in Tairua this Thursday.
    Posted: Monday 15 July 2024
  • Our lead story this week is about local weaver, Kathryn Tsui, and her solo exhibition. If you’re in Auckland before 18 August, drop by and check it out!
    Inside, there’s a column of Short & Sweet updating us with some TCDC news, and a piece about an escape room experience for the kids this school holidays at Tairua Library.
    Posted: Monday 8 July 2024
  • Our lead story this week is called "Hazard app closure, stay informed”, and talks about the closure of the Red Cross Hazard app, as well as disaster readiness, and inside, there’s a report from Constable Dylan.
    Posted: Monday 1 July 2024
  • Our lead story this week is about boosting local businesses - many of our businesses are struggling and we need help.
    Inside, there’s an article about winter ills with some advice from our pharmacist, Andi. There’s also a column of Short & Sweet to round off the issue.
    Posted: Monday 24 June 2024